Exercise Addict

Remember the old adage, too much of anything in life can be a bad thing? Even something as simple as drinking water can be dangerous if you consume excessive levels. Exercise is a really important part of a healthy lifestyle – but make sure you build a healthy addiction to exercise. Exercising regularly is a major component in leading a healthy lifestyle. To get into the habit of exercising on a regular basis, you may need to set aside time in your schedule to visit the gym and find a type of exercise you can genuinely enjoy. At other times, you may have difficulty becoming addicted to exercising if you feel as if you aren’t reaching your goals in terms of fitness or weight loss. This is where a personal trainer can really keep you motivated and keep your enthusiasm and interest in your workout while changing things up and staying on track of your goals. Take a positive approach to exercise and making specific changes to your lifestyle, you can become addicted to exercising and improve your health in the process.

Here are some tips to become a Healthy Exercise Addict.

  1. Select a type of exercise best aligned with your interests.
  2. Recruit a friend or family member to exercise with you.
  3. Set aside time in your day for exercise.
  4. Exercise at your pace.
  5. Set fitness and training goals.
  6. Keep yourself entertained while you exercise.
  7. Reward yourself (clothing, jewelry, shoes).

Recovery time is an important aspect of physical training and without it you are likely to eventually experience physical symptoms, such as muscle or joint damage, prolonged fatigue, and be more prone to infections. Again, working with a trainer will make sure you aren’t over doing it and prevent you from doing more damage than good.

Don’t let exercise start to take over your life. Have it be an important part of your week, but ensure that you take some recovery time and don’t forget about spending time with those that are important in your life. Liking what you do, will make you want to continue to do it. Make exercise your healthy addiction.

For more articles go to http://clubonefitness.lifestyleezine.com

Walking – A Fitness Booster

Walking is an incredible form of exercise which can be carried out by most people. It’s a low impact workout which carries a very low risk of injury. It is an activity that can easily be added to your current workout routine or a way to get started on the path to reach your workout goals.Walking regularly will keep you physically healthy. Fitness experts and physicians agree that even a short walk can do wonders for the human body. It can strengthen the cardiovascular system by exercising the heart, and it reduces blood pressure and increases circulation. It is reasonably aerobic (increases your oxygen intake and lung capacity) and of course is low impact – it’s easy on the feet, ankles and knees. Regular walking strengthens your muscular and skeletal systems and reduces the likelihood of arthritis and other bone and muscle disorders that come with aging. It helps lower the bad cholesterol and increase the good, and it decreases the risk of developing type II diabetes. Walking for fitness can also help you lose weight.

Walking is also good for your mental health. It is known to improve your mood and decrease stress levels. That effect alone is priceless in today’s world, and those benefits multiply because lower stress and better mood make your body healthier as well. The simple act of walking increases your energy and slows the aging process.

If you’ve added walking to your exercise routine for awhile, you may want to try adding a little weight to your walk. Try adding ankle weights and/or compact hand weights. The additional weight will create more resistance during your walk to burn more. Just make sure you start off very light, especially around the ankles.

You can also try to change up your routine by adding some exercises within your walk. After walking for 15 minutes you can stop and stretch for 5 minutes along the wall. Throw in some jumping jacks or push-ups to keep your blood moving. If you can carry a jump rope with you, you can stop in the middle of your walk for a jump rope session that is high-intensity and great for your heart.

Modify your route to keep things fresh. Adding hills to your walk will help you burn more calories than flat terrain. You can also try different surfaces, pavement, trails or the beach. Walking in sand will increase the amount of calories burned by 50%. That can help with faster weight loss, or help if you’ve hit a plateau.

With all the benefits of this easy exercise there is no reason to not get out and start walking today. Remember to also pay attention to your diet. Exercise helps, but only when it’s combined with a sensible diet will you see the results you want. Like all exercise routines, make sure you stay hydrated when walking. Carry a water bottle with you and fill up when needed. Talk to your trainer about the best walking routine for you.

For more articles go to http://clubonefitness.lifestyleezine.com

Getting the Most Out of Personal Training

Have you decided to hire a personal trainer to help you lose weight or build up your body? Personal training is a simple way to help you achieve your fitness goals that you can sometimes have trouble attaining on your own. You can reap many benefits from partnering with a fitness expert who can guide your efforts safely and effectively.One of the most important things to do is select the right trainer for the job. Make sure that you pick an experienced trainer with the necessary qualifications. An excellent trainer makes a huge difference to the quality of workout you will get. You need to have a clear discussion with your trainer about what your fitness goals are. This is the only way to ensure that you get the most appropriate training. Your decision should cover your long term and short term goals and also the steps you have to take to achieve them all. You should also communicate clearly that you are serious about the personal training sessions and will put in all the effort required to achieve the goals. You want to be taken seriously by your trainer.

Your entire mindset may need to change so that you do not sabotage your efforts. Your food habits should change in order to be in synch with your fitness training. You should also get adequate sleep. Both these things will ensure that your body responds best to all the training you are doing. This will ensure you have enough energy for the workout and proteins in order to provide your body with building blocks for muscle growth. Hydration and rest are exceedingly important because they help the muscles rest after the exercise. Try and do some warm ups prior to your session so you can focus most of your time with your personal trainer on your workout.

You need to consider the following to make sure you are getting the right trainer for you.

  1. Establish what you want a personal trainer for. Healthy weight loss, building muscle mass, becoming a faster runner will all require different expertise.
  2. Make sure your personal trainer has the right qualifications. You want to ensure you are doing the right exercises and that they are being done properly.
  3. You want to make sure you find a trainer that is available during the timeframe that is convenient for you to work out.
  4. It’s important that you get on well with your trainer, but you don’t want to spend more time chatting than exercising. If you are one that likes to chat, you might want to choose a trainer that doesn’t talk much.
  5. As well as giving you the exercise help and advice you need, your personal trainer will be able to talk to you about your lifestyle and diet, and recommend changes so that you can help yourself meet your targets.
  6. Keep an open dialogue with your trainer. Keep the line of communication open so they can help, adjust your work or motivate you further to stay successful with your sessions.

Personal training will give you the results you seek – just stay on track to get the most out of your fitness trainer.

For more articles go to http://clubonefitness.lifestyleezine.com

5, 6, 7, 8, Dance

A dancer’s body looks so fit – they must get a good workout. There must be some tricks of the trade that can be applied to our every day workout to get some of the same effects. Dance-type exercises will focus more on muscle development and flexibility. Dancers are serious athletes that are continually working out to improve strength, agility, speed, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance in order to prevent injuries. Most people know that they have to exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but it is getting motivated to exercise that is the difficult part. Exercise need not be boring – try dancing!

Pole Dancing
Using pole dancing moves is a great way to get a good workout. It’s a fun activity that will burn tons of calories and give you a toned body. One of the basic moves is climbing which is a perfect beginning exercise to prepare you for learning many others. The basic climbing move is excellent for giving you added strength and flexibility. There are a few different climbing moves and all of them are good for toning the back, legs and arms. The basic climbing move is to use the same concept that you learned in climbing ropes. Feet are together at the base of the pole with arms stretched high above your head, then by alternating the movement of hands and feet, work your way up the pole. Once you’ve master that move, you can try leg hooks, inversion moves and climbing down.

Jazz Dancing
Jazz dancing can spice up any workout because you don’t have to have a partner and you can learn basic moves in a short period of time. One basic move is the Jazz Square. Jazz Square is a fluid, easy dance move where you can complete a square in four short steps. Stand with your feet together and your arms at your side. Begin to step your right foot across your left foot. You then step back, but this time with your left foot. Follow that by stepping to the side with your right foot. Finally, step forward with your left leg. At this juncture, you are ready to step your right leg across your left leg to start yet another Jazz Square. Repeating this can add up to a really good workout routine. Add it to your exercise regime to spice up your cardio exercises.

80s Dance Moves
If you want to really spice up your workout routine, you can go “old-school” and head to the 80s for inspiration. Some of this decade’s biggest dance moves came from popular singers. Try the Fairy Dance, made popular by the group the Smiths. Simply hold out your hands in front of you loosely while you also lower your arms. Begin to wave both hands and arms about as you sway your body to music. Have music going that will keep time to your moves.

A workout routine does not have to be boring. Incorporate some dance moves with your favourite upbeat music and have some fun. You’ll get a great cardio workout while strengthening, toning and developing your muscles while increasing flexibility. With all the physical activity of an intense nature that dancing provides, it is clear that dancing is a great opportunity for you to burn off a lot of calories in any one session. The added bonus of using dance moves to exercise or weight loss is that it doesn’t feel like exercise because you will likely be too caught up in the fun of the dancing activity and therefore be enjoying yourself too much to see that your actually working out.

For more articles go to http://clubonefitness.lifestyleezine.com

Finding the Time

Still wondering how to fit exercise into a busy schedule? Your days are filled from the time you get up until the time you fall into bed exhausted at night, but believe it or not, you still have time to fit some exercise into your day. Here are six ways that you can use to fit exercise into your already busy schedule.

  1. Make Time.
    Just make the time. Initially, it will be a change, but if you can fit in two or three workouts of just 30 minutes a week, you’ll be well on your way to fitness.
  • Make lunch hour exercise hour.
    Take a half an hour to do some exercise. You can even make it a social affair and invite your work friends to join you in a walk.
  • Get a buddy.
    Studies show that when you have an exercise buddy, you exercise more. The thinking is that we will go and exercise so we don’t let the other person down.
  • Exercise early in the day.
    The easiest way to ensure that you’ll exercise for the day is by getting the exercise in early, usually the first thing in the morning. After a little while, it will become a habit and won’t be as difficult having to get up a little earlier.
  • Combine activities.
    You can exercise and do something else at the same time. Read, watch t.v., even chat on the phone with a friend, all while you workout.
  • Involve the family.
    Instead of exercise taking you away from family time, make family time a time for some fitness for all. Go for a walk, play soccer at the park, play a game of baseball in the backyard. You and your family will feel much better. 

    If you still don’t think that you have time for any of the above, you definitely have time to fit some type of activity in to get you fit. Here are three easy tips: do your exercises during commercials, while you cook and before using the bathroom.

    You can easily get in two or three minutes of exercise each time with this method. Do this all throughout the day. Keep doing it day after day and you’ll notice the cumulative effect. And for the most part, you won’t even break a sweat. To top things off, short spurts of exercise are proven to do a better job at speeding up the rate of your metabolism than longer workouts. You can try jump rope, doing situps, pushups, wall squats, body weight squats, or jump on a mini-trampoline.

    Do high intensity, short interval exercises for five minutes straight. A great exercise for this would be body weight squats. See how many you can do in five minutes. If you manage to make it through this, you can call it a day for exercise after that. Another option is running up and down the stairs for five minutes straight. Five minutes of this and you’ll know you’ve done something, which explains why you only need to do five minutes of this a day.

    It doesn’t have to take a lot of exercise or a lot of time to achieve results. Fit a little something into your busy days and you will be well on your way to getting fit.

    For more articles go to http://clubonefitness.lifestyleezine.com

Finding the Time

Still wondering how to fit exercise into a busy schedule? Your days are filled from the time you get up until the time you fall into bed exhausted at night, but believe it or not, you still have time to fit some exercise into your day. Here are six ways that you can use to fit exercise into your already busy schedule.

  1. Make Time.
    Just make the time. Initially, it will be a change, but if you can fit in two or three workouts of just 30 minutes a week, you’ll be well on your way to fitness.

  2. Make lunch hour exercise hour.
    Take a half an hour to do some exercise. You can even make it a social affair and invite your work friends to join you in a walk.

  3. Get a buddy.
    Studies show that when you have an exercise buddy, you exercise more. The thinking is that we will go and exercise so we don’t let the other person down.

  4. Exercise early in the day.
    The easiest way to ensure that you’ll exercise for the day is by getting the exercise in early, usually the first thing in the morning. After a little while, it will become a habit and won’t be as difficult having to get up a little earlier.

  5. Combine activities.
    You can exercise and do something else at the same time. Read, watch t.v., even chat on the phone with a friend, all while you workout.

  6. Involve the family.
    Instead of exercise taking you away from family time, make family time a time for some fitness for all. Go for a walk, play soccer at the park, play a game of baseball in the backyard. You and your family will feel much better.

If you still don’t think that you have time for any of the above, you definitely have time to fit some type of activity in to get you fit. Here are three easy tips: do your exercises during commercials, while you cook and before using the bathroom.

You can easily get in two or three minutes of exercise each time with this method. Do this all throughout the day. Keep doing it day after day and you’ll notice the cumulative effect. And for the most part, you won’t even break a sweat. To top things off, short spurts of exercise are proven to do a better job at speeding up the rate of your metabolism than longer workouts. You can try jump rope, doing situps, pushups, wall squats, body weight squats, or jump on a mini-trampoline.

Do high intensity, short interval exercises for five minutes straight. A great exercise for this would be body weight squats. See how many you can do in five minutes. If you manage to make it through this, you can call it a day for exercise after that. Another option is running up and down the stairs for five minutes straight. Five minutes of this and you’ll know you’ve done something, which explains why you only need to do five minutes of this a day.

It doesn’t have to take a lot of exercise or a lot of time to achieve results. Fit a little something into your busy days and you will be well on your way to getting fit.

For more articles go to http://clubonefitness.lifestyleezine.com

Fitness After Pregnancy

You have just gone through one of the most stressful processes your body will ever go through. Your body has gone through significant changes during pregnancy and after birth. It is definitely not ideal to engage in diet restrictive weight loss programs during the early days of motherhood. Remind yourself that the weight did not come on in a day;it will take time to lose the weight you’ve gained. You will need all the additional energy and nutrients to meet the extra requirements of feeding and generally looking after your baby. Lose your weight and get fit gradually. Do not use fat burning pills to get the baby fat off. You need to lose weight and tone up through natural methods.

Fitness regime after delivery should include the right amount of exercise along with healthy food habits. Before embarking on your new fitness plan, ensure you talk with your doctor first, discussing when to start, what to eat, and what limitations you have for your situation. Do not try to exercise too much, too soon, as this will ultimately damage your health. It is generally recommended that women wait up to two months before exercising properly. At first, try methods such as going for walks around the neighborhood with your baby in a stroller. You may then begin a regime consisting of simple leg stretches, as well as exercises specifically targeted to tightening the pelvic floor muscle. Sit-ups and planks will also target the abdomen and help you regain strength in your stomach and back muscles and ultimately helping you gain a flatter stomach. Try to work out for about a half an hour each time, aiming to do this around three times a week. It is important to make getting fit after pregnancy fun, so shorter, resistance training exercises can be enjoyable. Relentlessly lifting weights at the gym is monotonous, grinds you down and can end up being counterproductive. Among the best exercises to include in your weight loss regimen are jogging, walking, swimming and playing sports such as tennis and volleyball.

Try the following steps to get your body back:

  1. Start with the right diet. Eat balanced meals and snacks with low fat and sugar counts.
  2. Don’t skip meals. Skipping a meal will lead to snacking and eating more at the next meal.
  3. Eat frequently. Eat several small healthy meals frequently throughout the day.
  4. Drink plenty of water. It’s recommended that you drink at least 10 glasses of water daily. Water will flush toxins from your system and keep you feeling satisfied a full between meals.
  5. If you’re breastfeeding, breastfeed as long as you can. Many mothers find it easier to lose weight while breastfeeding. You can easily burn up to 500 calories daily while breastfeeding.
  6. Adequate sleep is essential. Hard to do with a new baby, but if you sleep when the baby sleeps it will help. Sleep deprivation de-regulates the hormones that control appetite and signals hunger to your brain.

For the last 9 or more months you have been caring for your baby. Now it’s time to shift some of your attention onto yourself. Give yourself some time each week to do something for you. You’ll get your body back and also feel healthier, giving you more energy to help with caring for your new little one.

For more articles go to http://clubonefitness.lifestyleezine.com