Calling all ladies…this is the program for you! Women’s Conditioning targets all of our troublesome areas…the triceps that keep waiving after you stop waiving, the inner thighs that touch, the back fat under your bra, and our abs that only look flat when laying down! Our instructors use interval training (combinations of cardio and strength training) to tone, tighten, and flatten all of our female target areas.
This really is a perfect class for women who are not staying inspired with their usual gym routine or are bored with their current exercise or fitness program! Too many of us are doing the same boring routines over again. Come work on your full body make-over with no gimmicks or fad diets while having a lot of fun in the process.
The next session of Women’s Conditioning will start in mid February. There are both early morning and late evening sessions available!
- Contact us with for more information about joining the family at Odenton Fitness